Waiting For Ideas is a Paris-based creative studio, founded in 2021 by Jean-Baptiste Anotin. We work on the interface between art and design, creating visually striking and thought-provoking pieces, installations and spaces. We focus on creating inspiring and innovative furniture, objects, installations, and retail-space projects that push the boundaries, with clients like Kith, Lacoste, Reebok, Shinzo, and even the Mobilier National. We intend to blur borders between the world of Art and Design by collaborating closely with artists like Guillaume Grando, painter Iris Marchand, photographer Mathilde Hiley and set designer Pierre Vaillant. Waiting For Ideas aims to craft a new story behind each project.
Object design. Art installation. Space design.
Mobilier National, Kith, Reebok, Lacoste, Shinzo, Coltesse, Trajectoire Studio.
Please, have a seat (solo show)
Pour que tu m'aimes encore, by JTM
Village Palace, during Paris Design Week
Terra Cosmos, Paris Design Week - Factory, Espace Commines
Contemporary Curation, by Galerie Paradis
Collectible Fair N°7 with GSL Gallery
Dialogue by Jean-François Declercq, Collectible Fair N°7
Matter and Shape with GSL GALLERY
Blue Steel, curated by Kristen de La Vallière and John Whelan at GSL GALLERY
Le Salon de Septembre, curated by Edgar Jayet and John Whelan at GSL GALLERY
Haute Voltige, oeuvres en plumes de Maxime Leroy
Feu! by Meet Met Met, during Paris Design Week
Lacoste Ladies Open De Frence
Paris Design Week - Factory, Espace Commines
Collectible Fair N°5, Curated Section
When Basketball Inspires by Trajectoire Studio
Paris Design Week - Factory, Espace Commines
Isola Design Festival, Salone del Mobile
Awards & Acquisition
Endless Reinvention, selected by Gerry McGovern
No Seat Belt Required nominated in 'Best Metal Morphosis'
The armless PP-1 turntable is made from a solid block of aluminum
The PP-1 Is an Ultra-Minimalist Turntable Crafted From Solid Aluminum
Waiting for Ideas have recast the turntable as a minimal aluminium altar for vinyl worship
Aluminum PP-1 turntable by waiting for ideas plays vinyl records without tonearm or settings
The Conversation Pit
"Les 10 créateurs à suivre", avril 2024
Montagnes des Vosges
Jean-Baptiste Anotin, le designer qui monte
Global Interiors, April 2024
Collectible 2024 : Les tendances vues à Bruxelles
AD & Range Rover Awards, le design à l'honneur
AD & Range Rover Awards 2024 : Une 3ème édition forte d’allures, de matières & d’innovations
Waiting For Ideas, le design en autodidacte
Y2K Nostalgie, des "techno-colors" et tranparences très identitaires
"Voilà un cendrier qui cache bien son jeu"
MAD (Madame Figaro)
Le retour de flamme du cendrier
Twenty emerging designers interpret the ashtray
L'inspiration par la matière
'Waiting For Ideas' crafts dialogues between abstraction and function through furniture
N° 5 du top 15 de l'univers AD, le meilleur de l'été
Originaire de Remiremont, le designer JB Anotin poursuit son ascension à Paris
Les collections du Mobilier National s'agrandissent
Le Mobilier National étoffe ses collections
Magazine For Living
Back to the future, Metaplanet
Quand le NFT devient accessible avec le studio Waiting For Ideas
15 Designers to check out at Collectible in Brussels
The Steidz Project Room présente Body Fluid
Nominated in the Best Metal Morphosis of Wallpaper Design Award
Six designs to see at the 2021 Isola Design Festival
The charm of the automotive industry in an artisanal seat
JB Anotin's handcradted chrome chair is an ode to automotive design
Arthur Pocheron Product Designer (2023)
Ines Vaughan Product Designer (2022)
Eric Ung Product Designer (2021)
Waiting For Ideas, 1 Rue Duvergier, 75019 Paris
©All Right Reserved
Brand identity designed by
Studio Ward Goes .